Religion and Human in the Historical Process

It will not be possible to reveal the role of religion in the process of change in humanity from past to present and how religion has been affected by this process through narrow research or studies to be conducted from a one-sided perspective. In this context, the subject should first be put forward by focusing on anthropology, mythology, religious texts, beliefs and rituals by putting human beings and religion at the center. In addition, religious reforms and revolutions, colonization, religion and wars, historical effects of religious movements, the power of religion, religion and law, education and religion are also issues that need to be considered for a comprehensive analysis of the subject. Accordingly, the possible topics to be addressed under the title of "Religion and Human in the Historical Process" have been determined as follows:

·        Anthropology and Religion

·        Religion and Mythology

·        Interpretation of Religious Texts

·        Traces of Religious Beliefs and Rituals

·        Religious Reforms and Revolutions

·        Colonization and Religion

·        Religion and Wars

·        Historical Impacts of Religious Movements

·        The Power and Impact of Religion

·        Religion and Law

·        Education and Religion

Religion, Philosophy and Change

The history of humanity is also the history of thought. In line with the changes in humanity, there has been a continuous change in thought. Philosophical thought and religious beliefs have been in constant interaction throughout history. Accordingly, to understand the role and place of religion in the process of change in thought, various topics such as “philosophical thought and religious beliefs, philosophical and theological changes, the place of religion in modern thought, philosophical movements and reinterpretation of religion” should be addressed from different perspectives. In this context, the topics foreseen to be examined within the scope of the theme "Religion, Philosophy and Change" are as follows:

·        Philosophical Thought and Religious Beliefs

·        Philosophical and Theological Changes

·        The Place of Religion in Modern Thought

·        Philosophical Movements and the Reinterpretation of Religion

·        Changes in Religious Ethics and Moral Values

·        Relations between Religious Ethics and Secular Ethics in Modern Society

Personal Transformation and Religion

It is well known that religion plays an important role in the personal development and identity formation of individuals. Religious beliefs, rituals and spiritual experiences leave deep traces in the lives of individuals and affect their personal development. In this respect, it is needed to address issues such as the impact of religion on personality and identity, the contribution of faith to personal development and spiritual well-being, and the role of religious practices in human individual change with an interdisciplinary perspective. The topics that we think it would be useful to examine within the theme of "Personal Transformation and Religion" are as follows:

·        The Impact of Religion on Personality and Identity

·        The Contribution of Religious Beliefs to Personal Development

·        The Role of Religious Rituals and Practices

·        The Place of Religious Experience

·        Spiritual Well-Being

Modernity, Postmodernity and Religion

Historical changes have transformed societies as well as shaping individuals. Modernity has caused radical changes in social and cultural structures. In this process, religion has been confronted with modernization and secularization, and while it has sometimes declined, it has sometimes revived and found a place in social life again. With postmodernity, religious diversity and pluralism have increased, and religious beliefs have continued to play an important role in social cohesion and cultural transformation processes. In addition, new religious movements and belief systems that have proliferated with globalization have been effective in gaining new identities and shaping social structures. In this context, the topics that we foresee that it would be useful to examine under this title, which we have determined as "Modernity, Postmodernity and Religion", are given below:

·        The Role of Religious Beliefs

·        Religion and Cultural Transformation

·        Religious Diversity and Social Cohesion

·        Religion and Social Movements

·        Religion and Modernization

·        Social Effects of Religious Beliefs

·        Secularization and Religious Revival

·        Effects of Postmodernity

·        Cultural Relativism and Religion

·        Globalization and Global Identities

·        New Religious Movements and Orientations

·        Pluralism and Religion

·        Generational Differentiation and Religion

·        Religion and Contemporary Politics

Religion, Media and Digital Culture

The digital age, which became visible with the postmodern era, has created both new opportunities and new challenges in terms of sources of religious knowledge and religious practices.  Digital platforms and social media have transformed religious discourses and communities. Online religious authorities and digital religious communities interact with traditional religious structures and offer new religious experiences. This process has consequently led to the evolution of sources of religious knowledge and the language of religion. Accordingly, the topics foreseen to be addressed within the scope of "Religion, Media and Digital Culture" are as follows:

·        The Problem of Obtaining Religious Information

·        Language of Religion

·        Digital Age and Religion

·        Social Media and Religious Practices

·        Religious Discourses on Digital Platforms

·        Online Religious Authority

·        Online Religious Communities


The Transformation of Aesthetics and Religion

The perception of art and aesthetics is closely related to religion. Traditional and modern arts are enriched with religious themes and symbols. Religious architecture, literary texts and music are important examples of the influence of religion on aesthetics. Religion has played an important role in changing the perception of beauty by shaping the understanding of art. The possible topics to be studied within this theme, which we generally call "Transformation of Aesthetics and Religion", are as follows:

·        Conception of Art

·        Traditional and Modern Arts

·        Religious Architecture and Aesthetics

·        Civil Architecture and Religion

·        Place of Literary Texts

·        Music and Religion


Scientific Developments and Religion

Science and technology have significant impacts on religious beliefs and practices. Scientific revolutions have reshaped religious ways of thinking and worldviews throughout history. Modern scientific developments such as transhumanism, artificial intelligence and biotechnology examine the future place of religion, its potential impact and transformation. In this context, the topics planned to be addressed under the title of "Scientific Developments and Religion" are as follows:

·        The Impact of Scientific Developments on Religion

·        Transhumanist Thought and the Future of Religion

·        Metaverse, Posthumanism and Religion

·        Artificial Intelligence and Religion

·        Biotechnology and Religion